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МААТАИ (Maathai), Вангари Мутарод. 1 апреля 1940 г. Нобелевская премия мира, 2004 г.
Как говорится в пресс-релизе, опубликованном на сайте Нобелевской премии, Маатаи удостоена награды «за ее вклад в устойчивое развитие, демократию и дело мира». В нобелевском комитете отметили, что Маатаи является первой женщиной из Африки, удостоенной этой высокой награды. «Маатаи выступает на переднем крае борьбы за экологически ориентированное социальное, экономическое и культурное развитие в Кении и Африке в целом. Она обладает целостным подходом к проблемам устойчивого развития, который включает в себя рассмотрение вопросов демократии, прав человека и прав женщин. Она мыслит на глобальном уровне, а действует на локальном», говорится в обосновании награждения лауреата. Маатаи активно выступала против прежнего реакционного режима в Кении, привлекая внимание к ситуации в стране на международной арене. Несколько лет назад она с подавляющим преимуществом победила представителя правившей в Кении партии на выборах в парламент. А президент страны затем назначил ее помощником министра окружающей среды. Маатаи была инициатором и главным вдохновителем основанного в 1977 году общественного движения «Зеленый пояс» («Green Belt Movement»). Эта организация занимается восстановлением уничтоженных лесов Кении. «Ее стратегия заключается больше чем просто в защите существующей окружающей среды, она направлена на обеспечение и усиление основы для экологического устойчивого развития», отметили в Норвежском нобелевском комитете. РИА «Новости», http://www.rian.ru/rian/intro.cfm?nws_id=702310
В сообщении Нобелевского комитета говорится, что, благодаря деятельности Вангари Маатаи, удалось приостановить превращение африканских лесов в пустыню. Она активно боролась за установление демократии в Кении, совмещая работу в экологической нише с политикой. Первый канал, http://www.1tv.ru/owa/win/ort6_main.main?p_news_title_id=70797&p_news_razdel_id=9
Вангари Маатаи основала «Зеленое движения Маатаи», действующее сейчас на всем африканском континенте. За 25 лет своего существования участники этого движения, в основном женщины, посадили более 20 миллионов деревьев. Организация, основанная Маатаи, занимается восстановлением уничтоженных лесов Кении. Кроме того, Вангари Маатаи на протяжении многих лет боролась с прежним реакционным режимом в Кении, привлекая внимание к ситуации в стране на международном уровне. Несколько лет назад она со значительным преимуществом победила представителя правившей в Кении партии на выборах в парламент. Затем президент страны затем назначил ее помощником министра окружающей среды. Справка: Вангари Маатаи получила образование в США, затем стала первой женщиной в центральной и восточной Африке, получившей ученую степень, а также первой женщиной, возглавившей факультет университета. ВинТА, http://www.vinta.info/?id=3397
Новый нобелевский лауреат является основателем «Зеленого движения Маатаи», которое распространило свою деятельность на весь африканский континент. За 25 лет своего существования его участники, в основном женщины, посадили более 20 миллионов деревьев. Маатаи трижды подвергалась нападениям. Последнее случилось в 1999 году, когда вместе с соратниками она сажала деревья на территории, вырубленной под застройку. Маатаи стала первой в Восточной Африке женщиной доктором наук в области ветеринарии. Ее организации оказывают поддержку частные фонды из США, а также правительства Австралии и Нидерландов. Лента.Ру, http://lenta.ru/world/2004/10/08/nobel1/
Wangari Muta Maathai was born in Nyeri, Kenya (Africa) in 1940. The first woman in East and Central Africa to earn a doctorate degree, Prof. Maathai obtained a degree in Biological Sciences from Mount St. Scholastica College in Atchison, Kansas (1964). She subsequently earned a Master of Science degree from the University of Pittsburgh (1966). She pursued doctoral studies in Germany and the University of Nairobi, obtaining a Ph.D. (1971) from the University of Nairobi where she also taught veterinary anatomy. She became chair of the Department of Veterinary Anatomy and an associate professor in 1976 and 1977 respectively. In both cases, she was the first woman to attain those positions in he region. Wangari Maathai was active in the National Council of Women of Kenya in 1976 -87 and was it chairman in 1981...87. It was while she served the National Council of Women that she introduced the idea of planting trees with the People in 1976 and continued to develop it into broad-based, grassroots organization whose main focus is the planting of trees with women groups in order to conserve the environment and improve their quality of life. However, through the Green belt Movement she has assisted women in planting more than 20 million trees on their farms and on schools and church compounds. In 1986 the Movement established a Pan African Green Belt Network and has exposed over 40 individuals from other African counties to the approach. Some of these individuals have established similar tree planting initiatives in their own countries or they use some of the Green belt movement methods to improve their efforts. So far some countries have successfully launched such initiatives in Africa (Tanzania, Uganda, Malawi, Lesotho, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe etc). In Sept. 1998 she launched a campaign of the Jubilee 2000 coalition. She has embarked on new challenges, playing a leading global role as a co-chair, of the Jubilee 2000 Africa Campaign, which seeks cancellation of the unpayable backlog debts of the poor countries in Africa by the year 2000. Her campaign against land grabbing and rapacious allocation of forests land that has caught the limelight in the recent past. Wangari Maathai is internationally recognized for her persistent struggle for democracy, human rights and environmental conservation. She has addressed the UN on several occasions and spoke on behalf of women at special sessions of the General Assembly for the five-year review of the earth summit. She served on the commission for Global Governance and commission on the future. She and The Green Belt Movement have received numerous awards, such as The Sophie Prize (2004), The Petra Kelly Prize for Environment (2004), Arbor Day Foundation's J. Sterling Morton Award (2004), Conservation Scientist Award (2004), the WANGO Environment Award (2003), Outstanding Vision and Commitment Award (2002), Excellence Award from the Kenyan Community Abroad (2001), The Juliet Hollister Award (2001), the Golden Ark Award (1994), the Jane Adams Leadership Award (1993), the Edinburgh Medal (1993), UN's Africa Prize for Leadership (1991), the Goldman Environmental prize (1991), the Woman of the World (1989), the Windstar Award for the Environment (1988), the Better World Society Award (1986), the right livelihood award (1984) and the Woman of the Year Award (1983). Prof. Maathai is also listed on UNEP's Global 500 Hall of Fame and named one of the 100 heroines of the world. In June 1997, Wangari was elected by Earth Times as one of 100 persons in the World who have made a difference in the environmental arena. Prof. Maathai has also received honorary doctoral degrees from several institutions around the world: William's college, MA USA (1990), Hobart & William Smith Colleges (1994), University of Norway (1997). The Green Belt Movement and Prof. Wangari Maathai are featured in several publications including The Green Belt Movement: Sharing the Approach (by Prof. Wangari Maathai, 2002), Speak Truth to Power (Kerry Kennedy Cuomo, 2000), Women Pioneers for the Environment (Mary Joy Breton, 1998), Hopes Edge: The Next Diet for a Small Planet (Frances Moore Lappe and Anna Lappe, 2002), Una Sola Terra: Donna I Medi Ambient Despres de Rio (Brice Lalonde et al, 1998), Land Ist Leben (Bedrohte Volker, 1993) Prof. Maathai serves on the boards of several organizations including the UN Secretary Generals Advisory Board on Disarmament, The Jane Goodall Institute, Women and Environment Development Organization (WEDO), World Learning for International Development, Green Cross International, Environment Liaison Center International, the WorldWIDE Network of Women in Environmental Work and National Council of Women of Kenya. In December 2002, Prof. Maathai was elected to parliament with an overwhelming 98% of the vote. She was subsequently appointed by The President, as Assistant Minister for Environment, Natural Resources and Wildlife in Kenya's ninth parliament. http://www.greenbeltmovement.org/biographies.htm
The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize for 2004 to Wangari Maathai for her contribution to sustainable development, democracy and peace. Peace on earth depends on our ability to secure our living environment. Maathai stands at the front of the fight to promote ecologically viable social, economic and cultural development in Kenya and in Africa. She has taken a holistic approach to sustainable development that embraces democracy, human rights and women's rights in particular. She thinks globally and acts locally. Maathai stood up courageously against the former oppressive regime in Kenya. Her unique forms of action have contributed to drawing attention to political oppression nationally and internationally. She has served as inspiration for many in the fight for democratic rights and has especially encouraged women to better their situation. Maathai combines science, social commitment and active politics. More than simply protecting the existing environment, her strategy is to secure and strengthen the very basis for ecologically sustainable development. She founded the Green Belt Movement where, for nearly thirty years, she has mobilized poor women to plant 30 million trees. Her methods have been adopted by other countries as well. We are all witness to how deforestation and forest loss have led to desertification in Africa and threatened many other regions of the world in Europe too. Protecting forests against desertification is a vital factor in the struggle to strengthen the living environment of our common Earth. Through education, family planning, nutrition and the fight against corruption, the Green Belt Movement has paved the way for development at grass-root level. We believe that Maathai is a strong voice speaking for the best forces in Africa to promote peace and good living conditions on that continent. Wangari Maathai will be the first woman from Africa to be honoured with the Nobel Peace Prize. She will also be the first African from the vast area between South Africa and Egypt to be awarded the prize. She represents an example and a source of inspiration for everyone in Africa fighting for sustainable development, democracy and peace. The Norwegian Nobel Committee, http://nobelprize.org/peace/laureates/2004/press.html
Дата публикации: 8 октября 2004 года |