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Beginnings of new natural philosophyNikolay NOSKOV According to positions advanced during analysis of a status of physics in the articles, published in newspaper "Science of Kazakhstan" and in Electronic library fund «Nauka i Tekhnica» («"Brilliance and poverty" of quantum mechanics», «Gauss, Weber, Gerber and others...», «The general principle of relativity does not exist», «Statics and dynamics of interactions», «Centenary ethereal war», «Light, photons, velosity of light, ether and others of "banality"», «The theories of mechanisms of interaction and hypothesis about their synthesis», «Stability of a solar system», «The phenomenon of delay of potential»);
Beginning of new physics consist from:
H coefficient of proportionality; After transformation the formula (1) becomes:
Emov. energy of moving body; As the energy of moving body can be expressed by a phase velocity:
m mass of a body; then length of longitudinal vibrations can be expressed in the new form:
That is modification of a de Broglie formula. In the nature there is no smooth Newtonian motion of bodiesThe resonance of longitudinal and cyclical vibrations stipulates stability of orbits at motion of bodies in a field of central forces (at motion of electrons around of a nucleus in atom for an electromagnetic interaction and at motion of planets around of a central body for gravitation). Moreover, the coefficient of proportionality H for motion of electrons (electromagnetic interaction) is "Planck's constants". The oscillation frequency of an electron at "jump" from one orbit on other depends on velocity of its motion and is equal to frequency of radiation of photons. Thus, new physics by a natural manner includes wave quantum mechanics for all interactions. The new mechanics reasonably explains so-called "a defect of mass", i.e. difference of energies of motion of a body and may be expressed by the formula:
New physics restores concept of the filling all world space ether as powerful thin matter being lightcarrying electromagnetic medium (light is a portion of the spectrum of electromagnetic waves of oscillations of ether). A motion of ether is reason of all interactionsDisintegration of a matter and efflux of ether from it is a reason of a partial dragging of ether by bodies. In outcome each body has an ethereal lens and gradient of pressure of ether. It decreases velocity of light at approach and augments it at removal from bodies. The dragging of ether on a surface of large bodies (such as the Earth) approaches nearer to 100%, that results in practical absence of effect of motion of bodies on optical phenomena (experiments Arago and Michelson). New physics restores a causality, determinism and force of the logical laws (common sense). All visible known phenomena and facts of the nature, including wave formation, vortexes, sound, light, steady orbital motions etc., can be reasonably explained within the framework of a new mechanics.
Date of the publication: August 12, 2000 |
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