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On the question of «Great Unification» in the Binary Model of Distribution of the Substance DensityThe full version of the article in PDF format (169 kb). 1. IntroductionIn present days a physicists theorists give ever more attention for creation Theories of Great Unification and for models of «supergravitation» as a instrument for possibility of explanation phenomenа that occur and for predictions of new effects in big range of the existing physical conceptions: from quantum physics to cosmology. Existing physical conceptions already allow to explain big number new phenomena as a magnetic monopole, quantums of interactions, the specific phase transmissions in substance, domain structure in observed Universe and so on [1, 3, 4, 5]. In the meantime, modern experimental data in region of high and superhigh energies prove that exist need in modification of modern theories for explanation of four types of well-known interactions [9, 10]. An idea in this direction is hope of scientists on so called «indefinite metrics», which would useful for decision many of non сonformities by simplest way [1, 3]. But the Binary Model in comparison with well-known case have some essential difference: the conditions for substance and space-time is determined in terms of substance density, velocity, length range and time. This allow making exact decisions for some cases and look for nature of Great Unification in distribution and in dynamics changing of parameters of substance density [18, 19]. 2. Frequency spectrum of interactions in the Binary Model of Distribution of the Substance Density. Additional gravitated mass3. Interactions in the Binary Model of Distribution of the Substance Dencity4. The basic conclusions and problems of modern conceptions «Great Unification»5. The basic parameters of Theory «Great Unification» in the Binary Model of distribution of the substance density6. Brief conclusions7. Appendix
Date of the publication: September 14, 2002 |
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