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Onto the question about evolution of the Universe

Konstantin SINITSYN

1. Introduction

Most scientific projects lunched in last time undoubted witness that interest of scientists is grow up to most cosmological puzzles: gravitational nature and accelerated Universe. Especial theirs attend direct to papers to extend experimental base for this.

In this paper analyzed gravitational interaction behavior and scenario for Global Universe evolution in to frame of Binary Model of density substance distribution, based on earlier conclusions. These research is regard to new aspects in astrophysics observation.

2. Main models of Universe evolution: new advantages and old problems (brief survey)

Let's see on main models of Universe evolution that still alive to discuss in cosmology: inflation theory and "dark matter".

Main advantages for these theories both are well interpretation availability for observation data. Especially it well to observation related background microwave radiation and accelerated away of cosmological objects in Universe.

But there are some difficulties and problems still.

Main two of these are: gravitational wave detection and fate of Universe – futher it will be expansion forever or it will be change from "Big Bang" to "Big Crack". The big dozen attention of scientists pay to question for "black hole" formation.

Still the time the gravitational wave are not detected, and question for changes of Universe expansion scenario is not clear.

"Black hole" role in Universe evolution as well open. This influence will be critical related to Universe fate. It is seems that these cosmological objects still exotic to pay so more attention for modern cosmology.

Analysis mechanism both theories have significant differences. For first one use some distribution functions, but for second – quantum-mechanical equations.

The difference for Binary Model is that it use one mechanism of approximated distribution functions allows inspect Global Universe evolution, since "Big Bang" start up to formation epoch for "baryonic" matter of various cosmological scales.

3. Inspect of gravitational interaction for general case

In this part of the paper inspect fourth-components structure of gravity is carried then the scalar of space-time is formed in take account both descending and reflecting waves of "non-baryonic matter" or "primordial matter". It is shown also that parameters of induced gravitational waves are result of transformation electromagnetic radiation into space-time.

3.1. Inspect for non-induced components

In this part of the paper the author referred on research made earlier. The significant is that gravitational interaction will have positive as well negative value of result energy. It is useful to determinate Newtonian and non-Newtonian feature for the interaction.

The universalism for the mechanism allows select components for "baryonic matter" and "non-baryonic matter" as well calculate the coefficient of declination from standard gravity.

It is possible refer to same position make assumption about formation "baryonic asymmetry" as well about formation "non-baryonic matter" in modern Universe evolution epoch. Accordance this assumption it is possible in vicinity of stars which have mass function more then quarter of Sun.

In conclusion we can make assumption about grow up "baryonic asymmetry" in modern Universe evolution epoch that affect some astrophysical observations aspects.

3.2. Inspect for induced components

In general case the gravitational waves could content components induced from electromagnetic radiation.

We can determinate this behavior function.

Thus we can make two significant conclusions:

  • there is for "baryonic matter" the gravitational constant negative energy values only; but for "anti-baryonic matter" this constant has positive energy values only;
  • there is for "baryonic matter" variations of gravitational constant more then same variations for "anti-baryonic matter"; summary, induced gravitational radiation has negative energy values only.

Based on these conclusions the gravitational radiation is detectable and most detectable is "quick induced gravitons".

It is possible also make some analysis to select some specific frequencies to take more effective scenario for gravitational waves detection from usable equipment.

These frequencies for "baryonic matter" completely difference for "anti-baryonic matter". This circumstance allows take best frequencies to detection using laser detectors as well to select the source of induced gravitational radiation.

A one scenario from this consequence is that induced gravitational radiation affect to "baryonic" and "anti-baryonic" matter both, because it is polarized radiation.

It is possible observed this influence. Especial interest is interaction between gravitational interaction and background microwave radiation.

The same interpretations we have in numerous papers of authors who are deployed in observation data applications. And these interpretations are supported to binary model conclusions.

Some aspects of Universe evolution like "black hole" formation in binary model is coming from phenomenological objects to ordinary for the evolution. And it is possible that "black hole" are some part of luck chain for Universe evolution allows solve such puzzles like luck of "baryonic matter" inside clusters, gravitational stability for big cosmologic scales as well puzzle for nature of Universe accelerated expand and, at last, the fate of Universe puzzle.

4. Fluctuations of the Global Universe and phasing of space-time

It is not observed Universe only but as well as Global Universe was affected by fluctuations. The nature of these fluctuations is first both positive and negative value of accelerations while the Universe is expanded. Due to is that fate of the Universe is complete slow down and change from "Big Bang" to "Big Crack".

The modern models of the Universe evolution are based on observance data for observed area. In this connection some disagreements and predictions are can not be like contra versus for modern models.

4.1. Creation fluctuations mechanism

The nature of gravity is balance of "quick" and "slow" gravitons. While density of radiation is above then matter density, the significant role plays non-induced radiation.

And mechanism to create fluctuations could be negative and positive values of "non-baryonic matter" pressure.

The slow down of acceleration Universe is not contra versus for observation data, because contents in Hubble constant from "non-baryonic matter" could be up to 77%. This assumption allow take scenario for "non-baryonic matter" like scenario for "dark matter".

A one consequence from this scenario is possible formation of space-time tunnels which noted in modern scientists discussions for late epoch of Universe evolution. A one type of these structures could be "dark tunnels" as shown as earlier.

4.2. Forming closed structure of the Global Universe as result from phasing of space-time

It was shown earlier. If we will take account the initiate angle phase in space-time formation by density, it is possible conclude that it is possible closed structure of Universe formation.

Moreover, it is possible more then one such structure.

In this reason the modern Universe structure could be more complicated then it is accepted.

5. Summary

In summary the scenario that is proposed in the Binary Model to observe function of behavior for gravitation and for evolution of the Universe too allows uncover that gravitational interaction conclude a components which have features with differences. It is cause to carry in general plan to induced gravitational waves which detectable and its frequencies intervals are limited for laser gravitational detectors at least.

Functions of behavior are different for gravitational waves components onto "baryonic matter" and "anti-baryonic matter" components. These propose allow make some method to detection not only but make some selection by its source. Simultaneously this induced gravitational radiation is able to interaction with substance and electromagnetic radiation too in contrary to non-induced gravity. In partially the some evidence for the interaction we can see into observations of cosmic microwave background like as non-Gaussian component.

The Universe has closed structure into the Binary Model frames. The modern epoch of its evolution is sign for acceleration of the Universe as well as for its observed region too. But the final scenario for the evolution is the era which has sign to pressure back.

In additional, these features of the Binary Model that are investigated are useful to perfection of a detection gravitational waves projects as well as to detect "black holes". This Model allow make closer on the Universe evolution plan "black holes" and "dark tunnels" existence as additional sources to gravitational stability for broad range of a cosmological scales. The Model have key to solve puzzle of the "lack of baryonic matter" effect too.

Summary it is possible to conclude that the structure of Global Universe as well as observed universe has more complicated nature. And itself mechanism form for "baryonic" and "anti-baryonic" matter could exist not only due to both gravitational forces and fluctuation behaviors, but and as a result from move matter of various local universes via "dark tunnels".



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Date of the publication:

February 14, 2006

Electronic version:

© NiT. Current publications, 1999

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